Sunday, October 22, 2006

It's about Lists!

If you pay attention to the interesting bits I read (on the right of this blog), it will be no surprise that I am a big cheerleader for the web applications from Google. Google Calendar, Gmail and Google Reader are my favorite. They are simple, easy to use, and by definition available from anywhere. I have been experimenting with Google Notebook, Google docs and spreadsheets. One key feature missing from the Google products is working with lists [1].

At work (even at home), I have a little notebook. Most of the entries are in the form of a list: to-do items, shopping lists, meeting notes in the form of bullet items. OmniOutliner is closests to the ideal outliner. Unfortunately, it is only available for MacOS.

Techcrunch pointed me to a new startup iScrybe. From the introductary video, they differentiate themselves from other online doc webapps in two important ways:
  • Lists: importing lists from a document, converting lists, adding to-do items to the calendar, take clippings from a website to add to your list.
  • Papersync: the ability to print out your ideas, calendar and lists in a simple way
    to take with you.
Also the ability to work offline is very important.


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