Monday, May 12, 2014

The death of the bulleted presentation

As we were killing time waiting for our daughters to put on a great Taekwondo fight, a friend was reading a book he picked up at the airport: "The presentation secrets of Steve Jobs". Tonight I was scrolling through my Digg Reader blog list, there was a similar post: "This advice from IDEO's Nicole Kahn will transform the way you give presentations". I have been reading about (and practicing) excellent presentation skills at for over ten years now.

We finally caught up to the masters of the presentation universe. You can not read a self help website without the obligatory post about presenting like Steve Jobs or with a TED reference about telling a story from the heart and using big pictures. There you have it. That's all it takes to make a great presentation ... right?

Oh, I forgot the quote about Carnegy Hall: practice, practice, practice! Can we now stop using Powerpoint bulleted slides and skip all the books and blogposts on this?

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