Sunday, July 11, 2010

Worldcup summarized

  • Best team in the final: España!
  • Best goal: Giovanni Van Bronkhorst, Tevez against Mexico and Forlan against Germany
  • Best teams: Germany and Uruguay
  • Best team to watch: Germany
  • Most exiting finish: USA - Algiers
  • Best channel to watch the game: Univision, Republica Deportiva con Fernando Fiori
  • Most cursing, loudest cheering and most tears in a single game: Argentina - Germany
  • Best sideshow: Diego Armando Maradona
  • Best Off-FIeld Distraction: Sara Carbonero
  • Worst karma from celebrity supporter: Mick Jagger
  • Best beer tasted during the worldcup: Bersalis, Beersel, Belgium
  • Best quote during the world cup: "nice iPad", my son. (while the adults at the party where checking out worldcup WAGs on the iPad)